Resultaat 41 - 50 (van 50)
Samuel Beckett The letters of Samuel Beckett
Engels | 838 pagina's | Cambridge University Press, Cambridge | 2016
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Helena Kelly Jane Austen, the secret radical
In this publication the author looks on the social worlds of her time that became the hallmark of Jane Austen's work to bring to light the nature of this writer. She illuminates the radical subjects - slavery, poverty, feminism, the Church, evolution, among them - , that Austen explored in the six novels that have come to embody an age.
Engels | 327 pagina's | Icon Books Ltd, London | 2016
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Stanley Price James Joyce and Italo Svevo
the story of a friendship
Engels | 276 pagina's | Somerville Press, Dromore, Bantry, Co. Cork | 2016
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Gabriel Josipovici Hamlet
fold on fold
Engels | 279 pagina's | Yale University Press, New Haven, London | 2016
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Shelley DeWees Not just Jane
rediscovering seven amazing women writers who transformed British literature
Engels | 320 pagina's | Harper Perennial, New York | 2016
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William Egginton The man who invented fiction
how Cervantes ushered in the modern world
Engels | 239 pagina's | Bloomsbury, London | 2016
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Bill Bryson Shakespeare
Biografie van de Engelse toneelschrijver en dichter (1564-1616).
Engels | 200 pagina's | William Collins an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, London | 2016
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Peter Parker | A.E. Housman Housman country
into the heart of England
Het leven van de Britse dichter A.E. Housman en de invloed van zijn dichtbundel A Shropshire lad
Engels | 446 pagina's | Little, Brown, London | 2016
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J.R.R. Tolkien A secret vice
Tolkien on invented languages
Monografie over de kunsttalen die de Britse schrijver (1892-1973) bedacht voor zijn boeken over fictieve werelden.
Engels | 157 pagina's | HarperCollins Publishers, London | 2016
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