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Umberto Eco De geschiedenis van de schoonheid
Overzichtswerk in woord en beeld van opvattingen over het begrip schoonheid in de geschiedenis en filosofie vanaf de Griekse beschaving.
Nederlands | 438 pagina's | Prometheus, Bert Bakker, Amsterdam | 2014
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Umberto Eco On beauty
Beauty is both a history of art, and a history of aesthetics. Eco draws on the histories of both art and aesthetics to define the ideas of beauty that have informed sensibilities from the classical world to modern times. Taking in painting, sculpture, architecture, film, photography, the decorative arts, novels and poems, it offers a rich panorama of this huge subject. It traces the philosophy of aesthetics through history and examines some of the many treatises that have sought to define it. Eco...
Engels | 438 pagina's | Secker & Warburg, London | 2004
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