Resultaat 1 - 20 (van 28)
Peter L. Bergen The longest war
the enduring conflict between America and al-Qaeda
De terrorisme-analyticus van de zender CNN geeft op grond van studie en diverse interviews zijn visie op het decennium sinds de aanslagen op de Twin Towers in 2001, waarin de Verenigde Staten hun oorlog tegen het moslimterrorisme voerden.
Engels | 473 pagina's | Free Press, New York [etc.] | 2011
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David Marquand The end of the West
the once and future Europe
Monografie waarin het voormalig lid van het Britse parlement Europa's problemen aan de orde stelt die onder meer veroorzaakt worden door verouderde opvattingen over mondiale macht.
Engels | 204 pagina's | Princeton University Press, Princeton [etc.] | 2011
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Stichting Global Exploration Global exploration 2011
'together one world'; China - Indonesia - India - Nepal - Peru - Tanzania
Nederlands | Engels | Spaans | 168 pagina's | Stichting Global Exploration, Valkenburg | 2011
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F. Bolkestein De goede vreemdeling
Kritische beschouwing over de integratie van immigranten en het Nederlandse minderhedenbeleid van de afgelopen twintig jaar.
Nederlands | Engels | 69 pagina's | Elsevier Boeken, Amsterdam | 2011
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Francis Fukuyama The origins of political order
from prehuman times to the French Revolution
Engels | 585 pagina's | Profile Books, London | 2011
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Noam Chomsky How the world works
four classic bestsellers in one affordable volume
Samenbundeling van vier werken van de Amerikaanse taalkundige met vraaggesprekken over uiteenlopende onderwerpen.
Engels | 336 pagina's | Soft Skull Press, [Berkeley, CA] | 2011
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Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek The Netherlands: getting through the crisis
The crisis that broke in the summer of 2008 hit the Dutch economy hard. This book describes the developments in the Dutch economy and their consequences for society. The book explains how problems have been overcome, where activity is back at its pre-crisis level, which areas are still struggling to get back on their feet and what the social effects have been. The book is useful for everyone who wants to know how the Netherlands got through the crisis
Engels | 56 pagina's | Statistics Netherlands, The Hague | 2011
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George Friedman The next decade
where we've been... and where we're going
Verhandeling over ontwikkelingen in de nabije toekomst die de politieke verhoudingen tussen de Verenigde Staten en andere staten in de wereld ingrijpend zullen beinvloeden.
Engels | 243 pagina's | Doubleday, New York, NY [etc.] | 2011
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Church and state in old and new worlds
Engels | 341 pagina's | Brill, Leiden [etc.] | 2011
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World political reference atlas
Engels | 352 pagina's | Jāņa sēta Map Publishers, Rīga | 2011
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Diane Coyle The economics of enough
how to run the economy as if the future matters
Pleidooi voor een toekomstvisie voor het economisch beleid om te komen tot internatonale oplossingen.
Engels | 346 pagina's | Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ [etc.] | 2011
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Thomas L. Friedman That used to be us
how America fell behind in the world it invented and how we can come back
Analyse van de maatschappelijke en economische problemen waar de Verenigde Staten nu mee te kampen hebben, met suggesties voor mogelijke oplossingen.
Engels | 380 pagina's | Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York | 2011
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Pamphlets and politics in the Dutch Republic
Engels | 261 pagina's | Brill, Leiden | 2011
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The Oxford handbook of the economics of food consumption and policy
Engels | 901 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford | 2011
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European Commission LIFE and resource efficiency
decoupling growth from resource use
Engels | 69 pagina's | Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg | 2011
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Roosevelt Study Center 25 years anniversary magazine
modern American history and European-American relations in the Netherlands
Engels | 15 pagina's | Roosevelt Study Center, Middelburg | 2011
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Alexander Kluge Drilling through hard boards
133 political stories
Aande hand van fictieve vertellingen rond historische politieke figuren wil de auteur aantonen over welke eigenschappen individuen moeten beschikken om een greep naar macht en invloed te kunnen doen.
Engels | 349 pagina's | Seagull Books, London, New York, Calcutta | 2017
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Adrian J. Slywotzky | Karl Weber Demand
creating what people love before they know they want it
"Combines the clever, counterintuitive stories about everyday life and human behavior of Freakonomics with the big idea impact of Execution and Good to Great to provide a powerful way of getting a grip on the big issue facing not only business but nonprofits and cultural organizations: declining demand. A core business title as useful for CEOs and middle managers as for the pastor of a church wondering how best to build a congregation and the head of the local symphony looking to diversify and build...
Engels | 357 pagina's | Crown Business, New York | 2011
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Michael J. Graetz The end of energy
the unmaking of America's environment, security, and independence
Monografie over de problemen, politiek en energiebeleid in de Verenigde Staten sinds de crisis in de zeventiger jaren.
Engels | 369 pagina's | MIT Press, Cambridge, MA [etc.] | 2011
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Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek International election observation and assessment of elections
On 8 and 9 April 2011, an international Expert Meeting took place on the monitoring and assessment of elections. This meeting was unique in its kind: it was the first time election observers from the academic world, politics and international organisations - e.g. the OSCE, Council of Europe, and the EU - met to discuss Election Observation Missions (EOMs). In twenty chapters, this book provides an overview of decision processes, role, and interpretation of findings of the 30 thousand international...
Engels | 326 pagina's | Statistics Netherlands, Den Haag | 2011
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