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R. Elsen | Ignace Pollet | Patrick Develtere Compass for intercultural partnerships
a thought provoking book to deploy the integration of cultures as a source of welfare and tolerance in a glocalising world
As globalisation makes the visual distinction between North and South, East and West disappear, one definitely needs a compass. It still points to magnetic North. For the moment. This book focuses on the added value created by interculturality which is the interaction, exchange and integration between people of different cultures. The reflexions are aimed at profit and non-profit organisations who have the ambition to be enriched and strengthened by their cultural diversity. This publication states...
Engels | 162 pagina's (PDF, 2,4 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Herman Blom | Siep van der Werf Migranten in de Nederlandse samenleving
Studieboek op hbo-niveau.
Nederlands | 416 pagina's | Uitgeverij Coutinho, Bussum | 2017
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I. Andriessen | Wim Vanden Berghe | Leen Sterckx Grenzen aan de eenheid
de beleving en waardering van diversiteit en inclusiviteit onder medewerkers van Defensie
Nederlands | 160 pagina's | Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, Den Haag | 2017
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De multiculturele refoschool
het reformatorisch onderwijs en de uitdaging van het pluralisme
Nederlands | 240 pagina's | Labarum Academic, Apeldoorn | 2017
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