Zoekresultaten voor: rembrandt
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Hendrik Van Loon R. v. R.
zijnde een relaas van de laatste jaren en den dood van een zekeren Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, schilder en etser van eenige bekendheid die leefde en werkte ... in de stad Amsterdam ... en stierf in algemeene vergetelheid en moeilijke omstandigheden op den vierden October van het jaar des Heeren 1669 ... en die in zijn ziekte en leed werd bijgestaan door Joannis van Loon, doctor medicinae en chirurgijnsmeester ... die ... den tijd vond deze persoonlijke herinneringen aan den beroemdsten van zijn medeburgers neer te schrijven welke nu voor het eerst worden gepubliceerd ...
Nederlands | 777 pagina's | Sijthoff, Leyden | 1931
Gedrukt boek
Hendrik Van Loon Life and times of Rembrandt, R.v.R.
originally published as "R.v.R., the life and times of Rembrandt van Rijn"
Engels | 570 pagina's | Garden City Publishing Company, Inc., Garden City, New York | 1930
Gedrukt boek
Hendrik Van Loon Der Überwirkliche
Zeitbild um Rembrandt van Rijn
Duits | 351 pagina's | Rudolf Mosse, Berlin | 1932
Gedrukt boek
Hendrik Van Loon R.v.R., the life of Rembrandt van Rijn
Engels | 378 pagina's | Heritage Reprints, New York | 1954
Gedrukt boek
Hendrik Van Loon The life and times of Rembrandt
R.v.R. is an account of the last years and the death of one Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, a painter and etcher of some renown who lived and worked in the Town of Amsterdam and died of general neglect and diverse other unfortunate circumstances on the fourth of October of the year of Grace 1669 by Joannis Van Loon, doctor medicinae and chirurgeon in extraordinary, who during a most busy life yet found time to write down these personal recollections of the greatest of his fellow-citizens
Engels | 366 pagina's | Bantam Books, New York | 1957
Gedrukt boek
Hendrik Van Loon The life and times of Rembrandt, R.v.R
is an account of the last years and the death of one Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, a painter and etcher of some renown who lived and worked (which in his case was the same) in the town of Amsterdam (which is in Holland) and died of general neglect and diverse other unfortunate circumstances on the fourth of October of the years of Grace 1669 (God have mercy upon his soul) and who was attended in his afflictions by one Joannis van Loon, doctor medicinae and chirurgeon in extraordinary to a vast number of humble citizens whose enduring gratitude has erected him a monument less perishable than granite and more enduring than porphyry and who during a most busy life yet found time to write down these personal recollections of the greatest of his fellow-citizens and which are now for the first time presented (provided with as few notes, emendations and critical observations as possible)
Engels | 570 pagina's | Walter Edwards, London | 1947
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Hendrik Van Loon R.v.R
being an account of the last years and the death of one Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, a painter and etcher of some renown who lived and worked (which in his case was the same) in the town of Amsterdam (which is in Holland) and died of general neglect and diverse other unfortunate circumstances on the fourth of October of the years of Grace 1669 (God have mercy upon his soul) and who was attended in his afflictions by one Joannis van Loon, doctor medicinae and chirurgeon in extraordinary to a vast number of humble citizens whose enduring gratitude has erected him a monument less perishable than granite and more enduring than porphyry and who during a most busy life yet found time to write down these personal recollections of the greatest of his fellow-citizens and which are now for the first time presented (provided with as few notes, emendations and critical observations as possible)
Engels | 570 pagina's | Tudor Publihing Company, Nieuw Amsterdam [= New York] | 1935
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